Tagline Add-In 1.0a for PMMail 1.5x =================================== Contents ======== 1) Overview 2) License 3) Disclaimer 4) Requirements 5) Installation 6) Usage 7) Known Bugs 8) Planned Features 9) Revision History 10) Contact Information 11) Copyrights 1. Overview =========== Back in the days of Fidonet and BBSes, one neat thing about sending and receiving electronic messages was the tagline. A tagline is an often funny one-liner at the bottom of a message intended to reflect the writer's personality. Taglines became a big thing. People would collect thousands of taglines and have their mail reader select one at random every time they wrote a message. Well, the other day I was browsing through the Hobbes OS/2 FTP site for new files and I tripped over Stephen Berg's PMTagLine 1.1a for PMMail. This program promised to offer the same functionality, only now in my favourite e-mail client for OS/2 -- PMMail 1.5x (which I strongly urge you to check out and *register* if you intend to use it!). Well, I liked PMTagLine, but the clumsy VREXX dialogs didn't look particularly nice, and I decided I could do a better job. Also, I didn't especially like the copyright notice that was tacked on all my messages. The result of 3 hours work in VX-REXX -- TagLine Add-In 1.0. TagLine Add-In 1.0a basically offers the same features that PMTagLine 1.1a, except for the text search feature. I didn't really plan to use this feature myself, so I didn't include it in TagLine Add-In. If someone out there wants it implemented I'd be glad to do so. 2. License ========== Tagline Add-In is "freeware", that is to say I grant permission for anyone to make use of it without charge. This only extends to personal use. If this program is to be used commercially a nominal fee must be payed to the author, Kevin Yank. Please contact him for more information (see below). I would, of course, appreciate a short e-mail if you decide you like this program. I could have spent those three hours studying, you know, so I'd like to hear that I didn't waste my time. :) 3. Disclaimer ============= Before you continue, please understand that Kevin Yank (the author) will not be held responsible for any damages, problems, etc. that occur as a direct or indirect result of using this software. I have tried to make this program as bug-free and system-friendly as possible and have tested it to excess, but if you have any concerns feel free to contact me (see below). 4. Requirements =============== - Any system capable of running OS/2 Warp and PMMail 1.5x. - OS/2 Warp 3.0 or above (4.0 is recommended, as I have made extensive use of the new WarpSans system font). - PMMail 1.5x. - VROBJ.DLL 2.1d. This is a VX-REXX program, and as such requires the VX-REXX runtime library. This should be available from wherever you obtained TagLine Add-In. - A few minutes to set it up. :) 5. Installation =============== Installation is quite simple. Just unzip the contents of the archive into your PMMail program directory (wherever PMMAIL.EXE resides... e.g. C:\SOUTHSDE\PMMAIL). Then, open PMMail and (while in the account to which you want to add tagline functionality) select "Utilities Settings..." from the "Account" menu. In the Utilities notebook, click on the "REXX Exits" tab. Make sure that the "Message Send Exit" checkbox is selected, and enter "TagAdd.EXE" in the "Script To Run" entryfield. Also, make sure VROBJ.DLL is in a directory on the LIBPATH. From now on, PMMail should query you on how to handle the tagline for every outgoing message in that account. To setup your library of tagline files, simply edit the "Taglines.TGL" file included (plain text, one tagline per line), or create a new tagline file (see below). The provided "Taglines.TGL" file is the same one provided with PMTagLine 1.1a. Once again, hats off to Stephen Berg! 6. Usage ======== The Tagline Add-In interface is really quite easy to use. Firstly, you select one of the four radio buttons to define how the program should handle the tagline for this message: Automatically select a random tagline... ---------------------------------------- This allows you to tell Tagline Add-In to choose the tagline randomly from the currently selected tagline file. The tagline that will be used is shown in the field just beneath the radio button. If you do not approve of this random selection, just click on the "Another Tagline" button to make another random selection. If you want to choose a tagline from a different file, click the "Another File..." button and specify the file to be used. Choose a specific tagline... ---------------------------- This option lets you browse through the list of taglines available in the currently selected tagline file and make your selection from there. Again, the "Another File..." button allows you to jump to a different tagline file if you so choose. Enter a tagline manually... --------------------------- If you're feeling creative, you can use this option to type in a tagline manually. If you select the "Add to file" checkbox, the new tagline will be added to the bottom of the currently selected tagline file. Again, an "Another File..." button is provided to select which file the new tagline will be added to. Do not add a tagline -------------------- If you decide a tagline would not be appropriate on a particular message, simply select this option to forego the addition of a tagline. Once you have specified how the tagline should be handled, click the round, green "Checkmark" button in the bottom-right of the window. The selected action will be taken, and PMMail will go ahead and attempt to send the message. 7. Known Bugs ============= None as yet... I was hoping someone could spot one or two? :) 8. Planned Features =================== I can't say that anything pops into my head when I ask myself what I might want more out of this program. I am, however, *very* receptive to any suggestions you might have. 9. Revision History =================== 1.0, 28th of October, 1996 Initial Release 1.0a, 1st of November, 1996 Bugfix: Messages with files attached (MIME or BinHex only) did not have taglines added to them. 10. Contact Information ======================= Kevin Yank can be contacted by e-mail at: kyank@sentience.com.au 11. Copyrights ============== Tagline Add-In is Copyright ¸ 1996, Kevin Yank PMTagLine is Copyright ¸ 1996, Stephen Berg and Iceberg Software Productions PMMail is Copyright ¸ 1994, 1995, 1996 Southside Software OS/2 and OS/2 Warp are Trademarks of IBM coporation VX-REXX is Copyright ¸ 1993, 1995 Watcom International Corporation